Feeling Good - Stereofox Label

“As the song title suggests, it’s all about a happy mood. ‘Feeling Good’ is all about spreading joy and positivity through music. This track was inspired by life’s simple moments that make us feel truly alive and grateful.”



Release Schedule: Nov 20th - "Feeling Good"
Genres: Beats, Lofi

Renowned for his contributions to Germany’s flourishing chillhop scene, Bequem makes a triumphant return to Stereofox with his latest single “Feeling Good”.

Infusing warm and playful melodies with urban samplings that echo the laughter of carefree children, the track’s vibrant energy is further accentuated by its head-nodding drums and pulsating synths, creating an unparalleled listening experience.

As the title implies, “Feeling Good” embodies a spirit of joy and positivity, drawing inspiration from life’s simple yet profound moments. With its infectious charm and uplifting vibes, this serves as an ode to the small delights that bring an unbridled sense of contentment and happiness.



German music producer Bequem is a one-of-a-kind artist who specializes in creating music that blurs the lines between various styles. He was born in Cologne, where he still resides today. In late 2019, he discovered his love for lofi and created the alter ego Bequem. He still releases other genres under his different artist names and has a deep passion for music and the art of production.

  • Featured on Spotify playlists Jazz Vibes, Chillhop, Electro Chill, Focus Flow, and Feel Good Beats
  • Sitting on more than 420k+ monthly listeners on Spotify
  • More than 7.5 million streams on all DSPs combined

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