Genres: Electronic

Victor started his music journey 6 years ago. He grew up listening to EDM and was inspired by artists like Skrillex, Flume, deadmau5 and many more. He has always tried to make his songs sound unique and add his touch to them. Music is his getaway and he would love to take everyone on that journey with him. He was nominated for the category ”Best underground producer” in Bulgaria twice.


Daydreaming EP

ymprl, Victor Aithen

A trusted voice

Your daily dose of carefully curated music for 10+ years, turned into a label service.

360 support

Helping artists navigate the industry. From releasing music and physical products to the world of music rights.

Always present

We don't sleep much. 24/7 reachable by our artists and looking for ours (and hopefully yours) next music obsession.


We provide publishing and licensing support, helping artists collect worldwide royalties. In addition, we have a growing library of fully pre-cleared tracks (one-stop) ready for sync, and a killer selection of artists offering bespoke music production.


Leena | Labyrinth of the Subconscious (12″ Vinyl)


Trombobby | Pause Vol. 1 (10" Vinyl)


Bulgarian Beat Wave T-Shirt


Stereofox Metal Mug

