sara wakui press 03
Genres: Jazz, Beats

Sara Wakui is one of Japan’s most exciting emerging artists in the jazz realm. Trained pianist, Sara also produces her song and is one of the most exciting and electrifying artists to see live.


  • Supported on Spotify's Chillhop, Modern Jazz Japan, New Music Wednesday and Soul Music Japan editorials
  • Performed at FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'23


Etherea EP

Kazuki Isogai, Sara Wakui

A trusted voice

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We don't sleep much. 24/7 reachable by our artists and looking for ours (and hopefully yours) next music obsession.


We provide publishing and licensing support, helping artists collect worldwide royalties. In addition, we have a growing library of fully pre-cleared tracks (one-stop) ready for sync, and a killer selection of artists offering bespoke music production.


Leena | Labyrinth of the Subconscious (12″ Vinyl)


Trombobby | Pause Vol. 1 (10" Vinyl)


Bulgarian Beat Wave T-Shirt


Stereofox Metal Mug

