GlobulDub - Timber Hearth - Stereofox Label

Every track in this album holds a special place in my heart, as it takes inspiration from the mood of the mesmerizing game Outer Wilds. The game’s captivating narrative and exploration of the vast cosmos stirred a deep sense of wonder within me, which I aimed to translate into my music. The recording process was an immersive experience in itself, with each serene and dreamy lofi track carefully crafted to evoke a sense of tranquility and introspection. Through this album, I invite listeners to embark on a sonic journey, where they can get lost in the ethereal melodies and gentle rhythms, just like traversing the vastness of space in Outer Wilds. May this music transport you to a place of serenity and contemplation.



Release Schedule: Oct 24th - "Catnap"
Nov 14th - Timber Hearth
Genres: Beats, Lofi

GlobulDub invites you into a deep ethereal listening experience with his newest full-length project Timber Hearth.

With a career spanning more than 10 years as a chillhop producer, the name GlobulDub echoes far and wide thanks to his impactful contributions to the beat scene. On his latest offering Timber Hearth, he takes inspiration from the fascinating action-adventure game Outer Wilds. The game’s exploration of the vast cosmos is mirrored in the music as GlobulDub’s style on the album exudes a spacey feel.

Tracks like “Hourglass Forest”, “Blue Whale”, and the lead single “Catnap” beautifully exhibit his intentions of creating a tranquil space that’s ripe for introspection. Timber Hearth is not only a labor of love from GlobulDub, it’s also an emotive sonic journey for listeners to immerse themselves in.



GlobulDub is a beat maker hailing from Paris, France, with a decade-long journey in crafting chill beats. He draws inspiration from traveling, literature, the world of games and movies, as well as the tapestry of their everyday life.

  • Featured on Spotify editorials such as Lo-Fi Cool Down, Chill Beats, Focus Flow, and Jazztronica
  • 24M+ streams across all DSPs
  • Appearances on numerous compilations from Chillhop Records

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