We’ve become friends through music. And through our music, we’ve chatted about our lives and how the sounds of our everyday find themselves in the sounds of the songs. Themes of uncertainty loom large for us and for everyone around us. Nothing in life is certain, and the fear of that uncertainty can be cause for discomfort. We titled the song “expiration date,” not as a resignation to uncertainty, but as an ode it — a reminder that life constantly evolves, and that it is ok for it do so.

fnonose & morningtime


Release Schedule: Feb 23, 2024
Genres: Lofi

Created from friends for friends. Talented musicians and multi-instrumentalists with millions of listeners across the globe, fnonose & morningtime create a soundtrack to the ability to wake up every day and not know what awaits you ahead.



While his roots lie within playing live music in bands and in a church, Martin Kraggerud’s work as fnonose can definitely be described as a gateway to calmness. Driven by his musical upbringing of playing guitar, you can expect a lot of delay-inspired compositions and a venture into the ambient side of lo-fi hip hop.

  • Featured by more than 90k independent playlist curators
  • Support on a number of Spotify editorials including lofi beats, lofi sleep, New Music Friday Norway, Jazz Vibes and lush lofi
  • Featured on Apple Music’s Bedtime Beats, LoFi Sunday & Peaceful Focus
  • Founder and curator of lofi collective Lofi Resort


US-based producer and part of Fortuno.

  • support on Spotify's lofi beats and Jazz Vibes

A trusted voice

Your daily dose of carefully curated music for 10+ years, turned into a label service.

360 support

Helping artists navigate the industry. From releasing music and physical products to the world of music rights.

Always present

We don't sleep much. 24/7 reachable by our artists and looking for ours (and hopefully yours) next music obsession.


We provide publishing and licensing support, helping artists collect worldwide royalties. In addition, we have a growing library of fully pre-cleared tracks (one-stop) ready for sync, and a killer selection of artists offering bespoke music production.


Leena | Labyrinth of the Subconscious (12″ Vinyl)


Trombobby | Pause Vol. 1 (10" Vinyl)


Bulgarian Beat Wave T-Shirt


Stereofox Metal Mug

