Genres: Beats, Lofi

German producer Nuncc grew up near the Dutch border and delved into music production during their teenage years. After a period of not releasing anything, he decided to share their work just three years ago.

With two EPs featuring vinyl releases via Dezibelle Records and an instrumental album on Vinyl Digital, they also ventured into the production of vocal artists such as Lord Folter and Softboy Ivo. Making beats on a daily basis, Nuncc aims to piece together various elements to craft new ideas.


  • Featured on Spotify editorials such as lofi beats and chill lofi study beats
  • Featured on Apple Music's Lo-Fi Jazz
  • Feature on 5k+ independent playlists


Missed Opportunities EP


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We provide publishing and licensing support, helping artists collect worldwide royalties. In addition, we have a growing library of fully pre-cleared tracks (one-stop) ready for sync, and a killer selection of artists offering bespoke music production.


Leena | Labyrinth of the Subconscious (12″ Vinyl)


Trombobby | Pause Vol. 1 (10" Vinyl)


Bulgarian Beat Wave T-Shirt


Stereofox Metal Mug

